(you can find my video from BCN 1/2 2017 here)
1. People are gathering for the start.
2. More than 15th participants. Red baloons mark one of the four starting "waves".
4. When the last wave reaches the start-line, the timer is already at >18min.
5. The public supports the runners lively.
6. The darker long-sleeve belongs to the I Love Running running club (Russia). There were nearly 100 people from the club, presenting numerous Russian cities.
8. Accidental selfie.
9. As far as I know, there were about 18 musical bands along the route.
10. Who is crossing whose way? ))
11. Facilities and water in 100m.
12. Port-a-potties for women, street urinals for men.
13. Water point. Several tables have been already emptied by the faster runners.
14. But there's anough water for everyone. No crowding or crams, thanks to volunteers.
15. I find bottled water on races handier than in plastic cups. Easier to handle, easier to carry, greater capacity.
16. Guardsmen, suddenly!
18. Citizens of Barcelona are very cheerful supporters.
20. I tell you people, this boy will be mayor of Barcelona when he grows up. And his first decree will be to ban using these metal fence things on any kind of sport events!
22. Runners cheer up old people, who live behind the glass.
24. Turning to the seaside.
25. Nice views, but windy.
26. Say "cheese" ))
27. No wind can stop the drummers!
28. Chips were scanned every 5 km.
29. Do you know, which country's flag is this?
30. And what about this ?
31. My mistake was to speed-up before the first arch. There were around 8 of them before the real finish one.
32. A colleague from Philippines.
34. After the fininsh line runners are provided with isotonic...
35. ...water...
36. ...a medal...
37. ...and fruit.
38. There were wraps, too.
My overall impression of the Barcelona half marathon was positively favorable. Fast (but windy) track, cheerful public, perfect organization, good job by volunteers. Certainly recommended.
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