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Monday, 24 August 2015

(ENG) Moscow Music Half Marathon 2015 (16 Aug 2015)

Ever thought you could go to a concert, see most picturesque landmarks of Moscow and enjoy half-marathon running all at the same time? Here it is: Moscow Music Half Marathon took place on Aug 16, 2015.

Unsorted photos: here.
Video: click here.

1. The party started wih the race of handbikers. Those are limited in their everyday movement, but they train as hell and most of them can cover hundreds of miles, not just a half marathon.

2. The weather was not perfect for a photographer, but good for a runner. During the week the air temp went as high as 30C, but dropped to comfortable 15-16C just before the race.

3. For me it was the first HM, and having never run more than 15km in the course of my training I felt sort of unease before the start. I scrabbled  a "schedule" including the target times for 1km, 3km, 5km (my left hand) and 10km, 15km, 20 km (the right one). The schedule asumed 2:30 for the full race as a conservative target (actually I was looking for 2:20).


5. The starring line. The woman in the middle looks a little bit strange. Does not look like a runner and doesn't wear a bib...

6. ... but wears sneakers and stretches before the start. Seems like she is going to go for it!

7. Start! Another puzzling pucture. What exactly is he hinting at?



10. Want a free three-hour openair concert? How about eight of them? Yeah, there were eight stages set out along the course of the race.

11. The banner says "Touch to get power!". And it surely gives!

12. Who could expect such a small dog to run 21.1km?

13. Another stage at the Krymsky bridge.

14. Oleg Fokeev is finding new acquaintances ))

15. Gives his card to one of the girls.

16. First of the handbikers are already close to the finish (and we have about 18km more to cover).

17.Bridges are good spots for the spectators.

18. Thanks to the volunteers! While for the runners the weather was good, the volunteers must have had enourmous endurance to tolerate the chilly winds for several hours.

19. A man is trying to cross the street. Asks the policemen for permission))


21. Here's the tiger seen at the Valentine Run. What is the best way to get many "highfives"? Just follow the tiger ))



24. Pacemaker 2:19. I am far behind, but I also started later.

25. No crowds at the water stations.

26. A man is throwing a piece of garbage to the trash-bin...

27. ... I do the same.

28. But no need to worry if you throw the trash on the road - everything is cleaned by the volunteers.

29. The girl's T-shirt says "Just", the boy's - "maried".

30. Best wishes to the newlyweds !

31. This lady should make all those who stayed home on that Sunday feel ashamed.

32. Thank you for your support, all you stranger friends!

33. And epecially young fans !

34. St Basil's Cathedral (actually, its full name is Cathedral of the Protecting Veil of the Mother of God) is one of the most known landmark of Russia's capital.

35. The Cathedral is always full of tourists. This time they could get not only the Cathedrals' pictures, but also a huge variety of runners going just below the Red Square.

36. The runners themselves were not that happy to run here, because the stone-blocked pavement is not a very comfortable surface to run on. Some even ran backwards to ease the pain.

37. The photographers were probably not very pleased with the weather.


39.  Here's the pacemaker I was looking for. Paused to take some water.

40. Nice cheer-up.

41. My big mistake on this race was not taking enough care of the camera's battery life. As a result, only one picture after the finish line (( mistakes with the insulin this time, though. Sugars: 9 mmol/L before the start, 6 mmol/L just after the finish. 5-6 BU consumed through the race (glucose gels + sweet water). Finish time: 2:11'15''. Feels good.

See you on the Mowscow Marathon 2015 Sep. 20 (registered for 10km). Stay fit!

P.S. Feel free to join me on

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